Thursday, January 30, 2025

New Experimental System Brings Quantum Technology Closer to Students

The quantum revolution is advancing technology, and new experimental equipment from the University of Barcelona helps students understand key quantum concepts.

Quantum physics is undergoing a second revolution, poised to drive exponential advancements in computing, the internet, telecommunications, cybersecurity, and biomedicine. This surge in quantum technologies is attracting a growing number of students eager to explore subatomic concepts such as quantum entanglement and superposition, unlocking the transformative potential of quantum science.

However, grasping the counterintuitive principles of quantum mechanics and understanding their impact on technological progress remain key challenges in 2025 a year UNESCO has designated as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology.

In response to this need, a research team from the Faculty of Physics at the University of Barcelona has developed innovative experimental equipment designed to help students engage with complex quantum physics concepts. Their setup versatile, cost-effective, and adaptable for various classroom applicationsis already in use at the university’s Advanced Quantum Laboratory. Moreover, its accessibility makes it a viable resource for institutions with less specialized facilities, broadening opportunities for hands-on quantum education.

This innovation is presented in an article in the journal EPJ Quantum Technology, which results from a collaboration between professors Bruno Juliá, from the Department of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics and the UB Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB); Martí Duocastella, from the Department of Applied Physics and the UB Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IN2UB), and José M. Gómez, from the Department of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering. It is based on the result of Raúl Lahoz’s master’s final project, with the participation of experts Lidia Lozano and Adrià Brú.

Study of phenomena unique to quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics makes it possible to create so-called entangled systems  for example, with two particles or two photons that behave in a non-intuitive way. In 1964, the physicist John S. Bell experimentally proved that the predictions of quantum mechanics were totally incompatible with a classical description of physics a hypothesis that had been advocated by Albert Einstein  and consolidated the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. In 2022, scientists Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for pioneering experiments in quantum information on entangled photons and the experimental demonstration of the violation of Bell’s inequalities.

Quantum entanglement is today one of the fundamental resources to drive the development of quantum technologies (quantum computers, data encryption, etc.). “The study of Bell inequalities  in particular, observing violations of the inequalities  is fundamental to characterizing quantum entangled systems. It is important to be able to perform these experiments in a teaching laboratory to understand Bell’s inequalities, quantum entanglement, and the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics,” says Bruno Juliá.

Martí Duocastella explains in the article that they have designed “new experimental equipment capable of providing students with direct measurements of quantum entanglement.” “From our perspective,  says the researcher  we believe that allowing students to make these measurements will greatly facilitate their understanding of this unintuitive phenomenon.”

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Scientists Discover Shortest-Lived Superheavy Nucleus Ever Recorded

Researchers discovered rutherfordium-252, the shortest-lived superheavy nucleus, refining the “island of stability” map and advancing nuclear stability research.

A collaborative team of researchers from GSI/FAIR, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and the Helmholtz Institute Mainz has advanced our understanding of the “island of stability” in superheavy nuclides. They achieved this by precisely measuring the superheavy rutherfordium-252 nucleus, now identified as the shortest-lived superheavy nucleus on record. Their findings were published in Physical Review Letters and recognized as an “Editor’s Suggestion.”

The strong nuclear force binds protons and neutrons within atomic nuclei. However, the positive charge of protons generates a repulsive force, which can destabilize nuclei with an excessive number of protons. This intrinsic instability poses significant challenges in synthesizing new superheavy elements.

Certain combinations of protons and neutrons, the so-called “magic numbers”, give nuclei additional stability. When taking these magic combinations into account, theoretical works dating back to the 1960s predict an island of stability in the sea of unstable superheavy nuclei, where very long lifetimes could be achieved, even approaching the age of the Earth.

The concept of this island has since been confirmed, with the observation of increasing half-lives in the heaviest currently known nuclei as the predicted next magic number of 184 neutrons is approached. However, the location of the peak of this island, its height (reflecting the maximum expected half-life), and also the island’s extension are still unknown.

Breakthrough in Mapping the Island of Stability

Researchers at GSI/FAIR in Darmstadt, the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and the Helmholtz Institute Mainz (HIM) have now come a step closer to mapping this island, by discovering the shortest-lived superheavy nucleus known thus far, which marks the position of the island’s shoreline in nuclei of rutherfordium (Rf, element 104).

To allow experimental detection, the minimum lifetime of superheavy nuclei is on the order of a millionth of a second, which renders extremely short-lived superheavy nuclei in the vicinity of sea of instability inaccessible. But there is a trick: Sometimes, excited states, stabilized by quantum effects, show longer lifetimes and open a doorway to the short-lived nuclei.

“Such long-lived excited states, so-called isomers, are widespread in superheavy nuclei of deformed shape according to my calculations,” says Dr. Khuyagbaatar Jadambaa, first author of the publication from GSI/FAIR’s research department for superheavy element chemistry. “Thus, they enrich the picture of the island of stability with ‘clouds of stability’ hovering over the sea of instability.”

Detecting Rutherfordium-252

The research team from Darmstadt and Mainz succeeded in examining these predictions by searching for the hitherto unknown nucleus Rf-252. The researchers used an intense beam of titanium-50 available at the GSI/FAIR’s UNILAC accelerator to fuse titanium nuclei with lead nuclei supplied on a target foil. The fusion products were separated in the TransActinide Separator and Chemistry Apparatus TASCA. They implanted into a silicon detector after a flight-time of about 0.6 microseconds. This detector registered their implantation as well as their subsequent decay.

In total, 27 atoms of Rf-252 decaying by fission with a half-life of 13 microseconds were detected. Thanks to the fast digital data acquisition system developed by GSI/FAIR’s Experiment Electronics department, electrons emitted after the implantation of the isomer Rf-252m and released in its decay to the ground state, were detected. Three such cases were registered. In all cases, a subsequent fission followed within 250 nanoseconds. From these data, a half-life of 60 ns was deduced for the ground-state of Rf-252, which is now the shortest-lived superheavy nucleus currently known.

“The result decreases the lower limit of the known lifetimes of the heaviest nuclei by almost two orders of magnitude, to times that are too short for direct measurement in the absence of suitable isomer states. The present findings set a new benchmark for further exploration of phenomena associated with such isomer states, inverted fission-stability where excited states are more stable than the ground state, and the isotopic border in the heaviest nuclei,” says Professor Christoph E. Düllmann, head of the research department for superheavy element chemistry at GSI/FAIR.

In future experimental campaigns, the measurement of isomeric states with inverted fission stability in the next heavier element seaborgium (Sg, element 106) is envisioned and to be used for the synthesis of Sg isotopes with lifetimes below a microsecond in order to further map the isotopic border. The result also opens new perspectives for the international facility FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research), which is currently under construction in Darmstadt.

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Fast Radio Bursts Appear to Be Caused by Young Neutron Stars

Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are one of the greater mysteries facing astronomers today, rivaled only by Gravitational Waves (GWs) and Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs). Originally discovered in 2007 by American astronomer Duncan Lorimer (for whom the “Lorimer Burst“ is named), these shot, intense blasts of radio energy produce more power in a millisecond than the Sun generates in a month. In most cases, FRBs are one-off events that brightly flash and are never heard from again. But in some cases, astronomers have detected FRBs that were repeating in nature, raising more questions about what causes them.

Prior to the discovery of FRBs, the most powerful bursts observed in the Milky Way were produced by neutron stars, which are visible from up to 100,000 light-years away. However, according to new research led by the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON), a newly detected FRB was a billion times more radiant than anything produced by a neutron star. What’s more, this burst was so bright that astronomers could see it from a galaxy one billion light-years from Earth! This finding raises innumerable questions about the kinds of energetic phenomena in the Universe.

The research was led by Inés Pastor-Marazuela, a Rubicon Research Fellow at the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics and a researcher with ASTRON and the Anton Pannekoek Institute, University of Amsterdam. She was joined by multiple colleagues from ASTRON, the Cahill Center for Astronomy, the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, the Netherlands eScience Center, the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, and the Department of Space, Earth and Environment at Chalmers University of Technology.

The discovery was made using the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) – part of the European VLBI network (EVN) – a powerful radio telescope consisting of 14 steerable 25 m (ft) dish antennas. This observatory relies on a technique called “aperture synthesis” to generate radio images of the sky, enabling astronomers to study a wide range of astrophysical phenomena. After more than two years of observation, the WSRT’s sophisticated instruments and techniques led to the discovery of 24 new FRBs.

These discoveries were made with the help of an experimental supercomputer, the Apertif Radio Transient System (ARTS), specifically designed to study FRBs. This supercomputer analyzed all the radio signals coming from the sky during the observation period, which helped the team deduce where future FRBs would appear.

Essentially, the team taught ARTS to look specifically for bursts that are very short, very bright, and from very distant sources. Radio sources that meet all three criteria will likely be the most powerful and fascinating. When ARTS finds such bursts in the data, it autonomously zooms in on the phenomena and informs the astronomers.

While this new mystery is intriguing, the team is also excited that they have been able to link FRBs to young neutron stars for the first time. “It is amazing to work on these distant FRBs, [you] really feel you are studying them up close from a single burst, and find they appear to be neutron stars,” said Pastor-Marazuela.

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Monday, January 27, 2025

Physicists Found the Magic Number to Save Quantum Networks

Researchers at Northwestern have found a way to keep quantum networks functioning despite the inherent instability of quantum links.

By strategically adding links, they demonstrated that networks can be maintained with far fewer new connections than expected, offering a more efficient model for quantum communications.

Quantum Networks and Entangled Photons

Entangled photons have immense potential for quantum computing and communications, but they come with a significant challenge once used, they vanish.

In a new study published on January 23 in Physical Review Letters, physicists at Northwestern University introduced a new approach to sustain communication in constantly changing and unpredictable quantum networks. Their research shows that by strategically rebuilding lost connections, the network can eventually reach a stable, though altered, state.

Balancing Quantum Network Connections

The key to maintaining a functioning quantum network lies in adding the right number of connections, according to the researchers. Adding too many connections can overwhelm resources, making the system inefficient, while adding too few can leave the network fragmented and unable to meet user demands.

These insights could pave the way for the development of optimized quantum networks, enabling ultra-fast computing and highly secure communications.

“Many researchers are putting significant efforts into building larger and better quantum communication networks around the globe,” said Northwestern’s István Kovács, the study’s senior author. “But, as soon as a quantum network is opened up to users, it burns down. It’s like crossing a bridge and then burning it down behind you. Without intervention, the network quickly dismantles. To tackle this problem, we developed a simple model of users. After each communication event, we added a fixed number of bridges, or links, between disconnected nodes. By adding a large enough number of links after each communication event, we maintained network connectivity.”

An expert in complex systems, Kovács is an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at Northwestern’s Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences.

The Challenge of Quantum Entanglement in Communications

Quantum networks work by harnessing quantum entanglement, a phenomenon in which two particles are linked, regardless of the distance between them. Xiangi Meng, an expert in quantum communication and one of the study’s first authors, describes entanglement as a “spooky” but effective resource. At the time of the research, Meng was a research associate in the Kovács group but now is an assistant professor of physics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York.

Quantum entanglement is the spooky, space-time-defying correlation between quantum particles,” Meng said. “It’s a resource that allows quantum particles to talk to each other, so they can perform complex tasks together while ensuring no eavesdropper can intercept their messages.”

When two computers communicate using entangled links, however, the links involved in that communication disappear. The act of communication itself alters the quantum state of the link, making it unusable for further communications.

“In classical communications, the infrastructure has enough capacity to handle many, many messages,” Kovács said. “In a quantum network, each link can only send a single piece of information. Then it falls apart.”

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Saturday, January 25, 2025

Scientists Unveil Third Form of Magnetism That Could Revolutionize Superconductivity

Scientists have uncovered altermagnetism, a revolutionary third form of magnetism that bridges the strengths of ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism while introducing unique properties like time-reversal symmetry breaking. This discovery not only redefines magnetic science but also promises to revolutionize fields like superconductivity and spintronics.

In a groundbreaking study, researchers at the University of Nottingham have uncovered a new class of magnetism called altermagnetism. Published in Nature, this discovery bridges the gap between two well-known types of magnetism ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism and has profound implications for the future of superconductivity, spintronics, and magnetic memory storage. By combining the best properties of its predecessors, altermagnetism offers the speed, resilience, and unique symmetry-breaking properties needed to revolutionize next-generation technologies.

A New Magnetic Paradigm: Altermagnetism Explained

For decades, scientists have recognized two primary forms of magnetism. “We have previously had two well-established types of magnetism,” explained Oliver Amin, a postdoctoral researcher and co-author of the study. “Ferromagnetism, where the magnetic moments, which you can picture like small compass arrows on the atomic scale, all point in the same direction. And antiferromagnetism, where the neighboring magnetic moments point in opposite directions you can picture that more like a chessboard of alternating white and black tiles.”

Ferromagnetic materials are valued for their ability to store information using “up” or “down” magnetic domains, which makes them ideal for applications like memory storage. However, these materials have drawbacks. “The benefit of ferromagnets is that we have an easy way of reading and writing memory using these up or down domains,” said Alfred Dal Din, a doctoral researcher at the University of Nottingham and a co-author of the study. “But because these materials have a net magnetism, that information is also easy to lose by wiping a magnet over it.”

In contrast, antiferromagnetic materials, with their zero-net magnetism, offer much greater resilience against interference but are harder to manipulate for information storage. Altermagnetism, however, combines the strengths of both systems. By aligning neighboring magnetic moments in alternating directions while introducing a slight twist, altermagnets exhibit time-reversal symmetry-breaking properties that enable unique electrical behaviors.

The Role of Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking

A defining characteristic of altermagnets is their ability to break time-reversal symmetry a property that has fascinated physicists for decades. “For example, gas particles fly around, randomly colliding and filling up the space,” Amin said. “If you rewind time, that behavior looks no different.” In conventional systems, this symmetry is conserved, meaning the forward and backward processes are indistinguishable.

However, in altermagnetic systems, the symmetry is broken. “If you look at those two electron systemsone where time is progressing normally and one where you’re in rewind they look different, so the symmetry is broken,” Amin elaborated. This unique property enables specific electrical phenomena, making altermagnets highly promising for applications in spintronics, where the spin of electrons is used to store and process information.

Imaging and Designing Altermagnetic Devices

To confirm the existence of altermagnetism, researchers used photoemission electron microscopy to study the magnetic domains of manganese telluride, a material previously thought to be antiferromagnetic. “Different aspects of the magnetism become illuminated depending on the polarization of the X-rays we choose,” Amin said. By employing circularly polarized light, the team identified magnetic domains shaped by the time-reversal symmetry-breaking effects unique to altermagnets.

The team went further, fabricating altermagnetic devices and manipulating their internal magnetic structures using controlled thermal cycling. “We were able to form these exotic vortex textures in both hexagonal and triangular devices,” Amin explained. “These vortices are gaining more and more attention within spintronics as potential carriers of information, so this was a nice first example of how to create a practical device.”

Implications for Superconductivity and Spintronics

Altermagnets could play a transformative role in advancing superconductivity, which has long been hindered by a lack of compatible magnetic materials. By bridging the symmetry gap between magnetism and superconductivity, altermagnets may enable the development of ultra-efficient energy systems and quantum computing technologies.

In addition, the resilience and speed of altermagnetic systems make them ideal for spintronic devices, which rely on electron spin to transfer data. Altermagnets’ unique properties could lead to faster, more durable, and interference-resistant memory and data storage technologies.

Implications for Superconductivity and Spintronics

The discovery of altermagnetism represents a significant leap forward for technologies like superconductivity and spintronics. In superconductivity, one of the long-standing challenges has been integrating magnetic materials that do not interfere with the delicate pairing of electrons required for resistance-free energy transfer. Altermagnetic materials, with their unique time-reversal symmetry-breaking properties, could solve this issue by offering a magnetic state compatible with superconducting systems. This could enable the development of highly efficient energy transmission networks and advanced power storage solutions.

In spintronics, which relies on the spin of electrons rather than their charge for data storage and transfer, altermagnetic materials bring an exciting new dimension. They combine the robustness of antiferromagnets, which resist external interference, with the practical usability of ferromagnets, enabling faster and more reliable data processing. This hybrid capability makes them ideal candidates for building the next generation of high-speed memory devices and quantum technologies. By unlocking these possibilities, altermagnetism could revolutionize not just individual technologies but entire industries reliant on energy efficiency and advanced computing.

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Friday, January 24, 2025

Earth’s Quasi-Moon Finally Has A Name, Honoring The Roman Goddess Of... Hinges

One of Earth’s seven quasi-moons has just got a new name: Asteroid 2004 GU9 is now known as Cardea, one of the Roman deities of doors and thresholds with a particular focus on hinges.

Cardea is not a real satellite of our planet like the Moon  it is not gravitationally bound to the Earth, but it moves around the Sun in a way that makes it look like it goes around the Earth. It will continue to do so until well into the 2600s. There was a public call-out for name suggestions, and a panel of judges selected seven names. More than 10,000 people voted to select this name among the finalists, and Cardea was the winner.

“Cardea was the Roman goddess of the hinge. Roman doors hung on pivot hinges. Cardea was one of at least four Roman deities who presided over doorways. The name was selected by participants in the 2024 naming contest run by the WNYC (New York public radio) RadioLab program and the IAU,” the International Astronomical Union wrote in their latest Working Group Small Body Nomenclature bulletin.

Earth has seven known quasi-moons. Of those, only one had received an official name before this year: Kamoʻoalewa, which is believed to be a former piece of the Moon. Now that Cardea has been officially named, there might be an interest in naming the other five. Cardea is more than 160 meters (524 feet) in diameter, never getting closer to Earth than several tens of millions of kilometers.

The other final names from which Cardea was picked were the following:

Bakunawa – A mythical dragon from Philippine folklore said to rise from the ocean to swallow the Moon.

Ehaema – The Mother Twilight from Estonian Folklore, symbolizing the balance between light and dark.

Enkidu – The noble companion of Gilgamesh in the eponymous epic from Sumerian mythology.

Ótr – The shape-shifting dwarf of Norse mythology who spent his days in the form of an otter navigating the boundaries between the human realms and others.

Tarriaksuk – In Inuit legends, these are shadow beings that mirror human forms but dwell in other dimensions.

Tecciztecatl – An Aztec lunar god that once aspired to be Sun but a hesitant leap relegated him to the Moon.

Hopefully, they will be used for other celestial bodies, because they are absolutely excellent suggestions. The panel that selected the final seven names featured astrophysicists such as Dr Sofia Rojas, science communicators such as Bill Nye and Dr Moiya McTier, and actors such as Tony Award nominee Celia Rose Gooding (Uhura in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds) and Penn Badgley.

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Hula-hooping robots reveal the physics behind keeping rings aloft

Gyrating objects should be hourglass-shaped to hold a hoop steady

Experiments with hula-hooping robots revealed how the hoops stay up, providing some tips for humans aiming to perfect their technique.

To keep a Hula-Hoop aloft, it helps to be in shape - literally.

Experiments with gyrating, hoop-slinging robots have revealed how these spinning rings stay up despite the pull of gravity. 

The shape needs to have “hips” a slope that provides upward force to counteract gravity. And a “waist”  curvature like an hourglass  keeps the hoop from drifting up or down and sliding off.

Inspired by performers near his home in Greenwich Village, applied mathematician Leif Ristroph of New York University began considering the physics of Hula-Hoops. Previous studies, he and colleagues realized, hadn’t explained how the hoop stays aloft. (Ristroph has a track record of tackling quirky physics questions. His group recently investigated what would happen if a lawn sprinkler sucked water in instead of shooting it out.)

So Ristroph and colleagues gave it a whirl. In experiments, a gyrating cylindrical robot couldn’t keep a hoop from sliding down. It was missing the essential upward force, generated when a hoop swings over a sloped shape. But a cone-shaped robot, with a slope but no waistlike curve, also failed. If the hoop began toward the top of the cone, the upward force overpowered gravity, and the hoop would migrate up. If the hoop began toward the bottom, the upward force wasn’t enough to keep it aloft, and it migrated down. But an hourglass-shaped robot kept a hoop steadily aloft.

People should be able to hula-hoop regardless of body shape, by adapting their gyrations based on position changes of the hoop. Indeed, the researchers were able to get a cone-shaped robot to hula-hoop by adjusting the rate of gyration depending on how high the hoop slid.

A correct launch was also essential in the experiments. If the hoop started off too slow, the attempt would fail. In successful sessions, the hoop lined up with the gyrating body, such that the hoop and body always shifted in the same direction. That’s also the best way to launch a hoop, Ristroph says.

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Don’t Miss This Celestial Spectacle! A Comet’s Glorious Visit to Australia

Prepare for an astronomical event that will leave you in awe! A brilliant comet is set to illuminate the skies over Australia, providing a breathtaking display for stargazers. This spectacular sight promises to be unforgettable, especially since it won’t return for a staggering 800,000 years.

Skywatchers across the country are eagerly anticipating this rare opportunity. The comet, which will be visible to the naked eye, is projected to peak visibility in the coming days. As it streaks through the sky, residents are encouraged to find dark spots away from city lights to fully appreciate its beauty.

This cosmic phenomenon marks a significant event in the world of astronomy. Experts are excited about the chance to observe the comet’s unique features, including its glowing tail and luminescent body, which are results of solar radiation heating the comet’s materials.

As the comet approaches Earth, universities and observatories are gearing up to provide live updates and viewing guidance. Whether you are an experienced astronomer or a casual observer, this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to witness a celestial wonder.

Don’t let this incredible opportunity pass you by! Gather your friends and family and make plans to experience the magic of the skies when the comet graces Australia. It’s not just a spectacular show; it’s a moment to cherish for generations to come.

Celestial Wonders and Their Broader Implications

The upcoming comet’s passage illuminates not only the skies but also highlights our collective cultural and scientific inclinations towards celestial phenomena. Events like these foster a sense of community among stargazers and casual viewers alike, uniting them in awe beneath the cosmos. Public interest in astronomy can lead to increased investment in science education and outreach initiatives, particularly among younger generations, planting the seeds of inquiry about the universe.

The global economy too can feel the ripple effects of such events. Countries that encourage astro-tourism may see boosts in local economies as enthusiasts travel to optimal viewing locations. This demand for experience-based travel can spark related industries, from hospitality to retail, generating jobs and stimulating growth.

Moreover, as we gaze up in wonder, it invites contemplation on our stewardship of the planet. As environmental degradation impacts our ability to view the night sky, a resurgence in interest in dark-sky preserves and conservation efforts may emerge. Citizens who celebrate these celestial occurrences may be inspired to advocate for sustainable practices and preservation of the night sky, reflecting a growing awareness of how intertwined our existence is with the cosmos.

Long-term, such engagements are crucial. They remind us that we are part of something greater, fostering a sense of responsibility towards scientific exploration and planetary wellness. As we witness this beautiful comet, we remind ourselves of our place in the universe and our obligation to preserve it for future generations.

Don’t Miss the Celestial Spectacle: A Comet that Comes Only Once in 800,000 Years!

An Unforgettable Cosmic Event

Australian stargazers are on the edge of their seats as they prepare for an extraordinary astronomical phenomenon an incredible comet that will light up the night sky like never before. This once-in-a-lifetime event will not only dazzle observers but will also provide a unique opportunity for scientists and enthusiasts alike to delve into the wonders of our solar system.

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Supermassive Black Hole Caught Doing Something Never Seen Before

As far as supermassive black holes go, the one at the center of the Milky Way is relatively sedate.

But, even in its supposed quiescent state, Sagittarius A* is prone to the occasional belch or rupture – and now, using JWST, astronomers have recorded it doing something we've never seen before.

On 6 April 2024, the black hole let out a flare observed in mid-infrared wavelengths, followed by a radio flare counterpart.

Although Sgr A* belches out the occasional flare, this is the first time we've captured it in mid-infrared  one of the missing pieces of the puzzle of the black hole's behavior, according to a team led by astronomer Sebastiano von Fellenberg from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Germany.

"Sgr A*'s flare evolves and changes quickly, in a matter of hours, and not all of these changes can be seen at every wavelength," says astrophysicist Joseph Michail of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

"For over 20 years, we've known what happens in the radio and Near-infrared (NIR) ranges, but the connection between them was never 100 percent clear. This new observation in mid-infrared fills in that gap."

Supermassive black holes are a crucial component to the ordering of the Universe as we know it, the nuclei around which galaxies cluster and revolve. They range from millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun, and exhibit a range of activity levels, from ravenously rampageous as they scarf down matter at a tremendous rate, to calm and quiescent.

Sgr A*, at the heart of the Milky Way and clocking in at 4.3 million solar masses, is the closest supermassive black hole we have access to. It's also on the quiescent end of the activity scale, which means we have a front row seat to small-scale black hole behavior that would be too faint to see were it taking place in another galaxy.

Astronomers have been closely watching the galactic center for decades in a range of wavelengths to record its strange blips and burps to learn more about the activity and dynamics of the most gravitationally extreme environment in the Milky Way galaxy.

Sgr A*'s presence creates a wild, turbulent region of space, with a huge torus of dust roiling around the supermassive black hole. Astronomers don't know what causes the flares in the region, but simulations suggest that it's an interaction between magnetic field lines in the disk of material that most closely orbits the black hole.

When two field lines get close enough together, the simulations suggest, they can join together in a way that releases a huge amount of energy that we can see as synchrotron emission  the radiation emitted by electrons accelerating along the magnetic field lines.

But we couldn't be sure, because we didn't have mid-infrared observations of one of these flares.

"Because mid-infrared sits between the submillimeter [far-infrared to microwave] and the near-infrared, it was keeping secrets locked away about the role of electrons, which have to cool to release energy to power the flares," Michail explains.

"Our new observations are consistent with the existing models and simulations, giving us one more strong piece of evidence to support the theory of what's behind the flares."

The observations were collected using JWST's mid-infrared instrument (MIRI); the Submillimeter Array jointly operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and Academia Sinica; NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory; and NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, a gamma-ray observatory riding the International Space Station.

When JWST caught a flare that lasted around 40 minutes, they turned to the other instruments to see what they may have collected. There were no detections in the X- and gamma-ray regimes – likely because the electron acceleration wasn't high enough – but the Submillimeter Array caught a flare of radio waves lagging around 10 minutes behind the mid-infrared.

These results, the researchers say, are consistent with synchrotron radiation from a single population of cooling electrons accelerating through magnetic reconnection, magnetic turbulence, or a combination of both. However, there is a lot we still don't know – which means there's more work to be done.

"While our observations suggest that Sgr A*'s mid-infrared emission does indeed result from synchrotron emission from cooling electrons, there's more to understand about magnetic reconnection and the turbulence in Sgr A*'s accretion disk," von Fellenberg says.

"This first-ever mid-infrared detection, and the variability seen with the Submillimeter Array, has not only filled a gap in our understanding of what has caused the flare in Sgr A* but has also opened a new line of important inquiry."

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Monday, January 20, 2025

NASA reaches the limit of the Big Bang and finds something unusual — There are more than 40

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) of NASA recently delivered a remarkable finding by discovering individual stars in a galaxy 6.5 billion light years away. The incredible discovery was published by the Nature Astronomy magazine, proving JWST’s potential to explore distant galaxies even while providing fresh facts on the evolution of galaxies and dark matter.

Discovery of the curving of light by the cosmos: Analysis of Abell 370

The amazing thing about this discovery was where 44 different stars were magnified by the Abell 370 galaxy cluster, during which hurled gravitationally light path bending the magnification principle. The galaxy cluster fell between FRB 0605 and Earth; FRB 0605 was brought more forcefully into the front and closer to Earth.

To do this by distorting everything, it had to bend time: once all the light went out as though the stars were very much closer. This was enough to create an “Einstein Ring,” of which one familiar to the layman is based on his theory in 1915.

Hence, this is called “gravitational lensing,” technique that uses the gravitational field of a massive object to magnify light to background distant stars. The Dragon Arc looks like as if a string line is let fall over the galaxy and its “curves” at a specific viewing angle.

By using the colors of stars within the arc, scientists have found that many of them are red super giants, which are quite massive stars like: those nearing the end of their lives. Researchers now know that such characteristics are not always found in stars far out in the distant universe. Gravitational lensing has added cosmic twists to the study of stellar details, which were earlier considered impossible to detect.

Red super giants unveiled in the Dragon Arc System with James Webb Space Telescope

The size and brightness of red super giants like Betelgeuse and Aldebaran in our galaxy make them some of the most enormous and luminous stars known to exist. By detecting and observing such stars in a distant galaxy, JWST gives an unparalleled opportunity to astronomers for studying them in a distant galactic context completely excluded from our local galactic neighborhood.

While the red super giants are well understood in the nearby galaxies, knowledge on the kind of role they play in early galaxy is adding another layer to what we already know about stellar evolution. The discovery of red super giants in the Dragon Arc galaxy really helps to establish further in this context the process of the formation of galaxies.

These are stars in the final stages-they can give us some idea on how galaxies will evolve in the future across the universe. The detection of these supergiant red stars in a galaxy that is ages older indicates to the astronomers how the star-forming and stellar dying complexes within galaxies developed in the early years of galaxy evolution.

Dark matter and dark energy give insight to a rotation problem: A counterintuitive idea

Dark matter constitutes some 85% of the total mass of the universe and has properties missing in all other forms of matter and accounts for much of the gravitational interaction within our universe. Because of its heavy makeup, dark matter cannot be detected other than through its gravitational force.

Nevertheless, scientists speculate that when the cosmic dark matter meets an object, gravity is distorted. Thus, they believe that light is bent around galaxies and other large cosmic entities, they should be able to detect dark matter indirectly.

The said discovery of the James Webb Space Telescope is making history in the latest understanding of the universe: Starring a single star from a galaxy that is 6.5 billion years and light-years away. This could open fresh ways to inform the study of galaxy creations and how they evolve, since more detections are expected with time, thereby rendering JWST capable of revolutionizing our knowledge of the cosmos, including dark matter and how stars behave in the distant universe.

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Fast control methods enable record-setting fidelity in superconducting qubit

The advance holds the promise to reduce error-correction resource overhead.

Quantum computing promises to solve complex problems exponentially faster than a classical computer, by using the principles of quantum mechanics to encode and manipulate information in quantum bits (qubits).

Qubits are the building blocks of a quantum computer. One challenge to scaling, however, is that qubits are highly sensitive to background noise and control imperfections, which introduce errors into the quantum operations and ultimately limit the complexity and duration of a quantum algorithm. To improve the situation, MIT researchers and researchers worldwide have continually focused on improving qubit performance.

In new work, using a superconducting qubit called fluxonium, MIT researchers in the Department of Physics, the Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE), and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) developed two new control techniques to achieve a world-record single-qubit fidelity of 99.998 percent. This result complements then-MIT researcher Leon Ding’s demonstration last year of a 99.92 percent two-qubit gate fidelity.

The paper’s senior authors are David Rower PhD ’24, a recent physics postdoc in MIT’s Engineering Quantum Systems (EQuS) group and now a research scientist at the Google Quantum AI laboratory; Leon Ding PhD ’23 from EQuS, now leading the Calibration team at Atlantic Quantum; and William D. Oliver, the Henry Ellis Warren Professor of EECS and professor of physics, leader of EQuS, director of the Center for Quantum Engineering, and RLE associate director. The paper recently appeared in the journal PRX Quantum.

Decoherence and counter-rotating errors

A major challenge with quantum computation is decoherence, a process by which qubits lose their quantum information. For platforms such as superconducting qubits, decoherence stands in the way of realizing higher-fidelity quantum gates.

Quantum computers need to achieve high gate fidelities in order to implement sustained computation through protocols like quantum error correction. The higher the gate fidelity, the easier it is to realize practical quantum computing.

MIT researchers are developing techniques to make quantum gates, the basic operations of a quantum computer, as fast as possible in order to reduce the impact of decoherence. However, as gates get faster, another type of error, arising from counter-rotating dynamics, can be introduced because of the way qubits are controlled using electromagnetic waves.

Single-qubit gates are usually implemented with a resonant pulse, which induces Rabi oscillations between the qubit states. When the pulses are too fast, however, “Rabi gates” are not so consistent, due to unwanted errors from counter-rotating effects. The faster the gate, the more the counter-rotating error is manifest. For low-frequency qubits such as fluxonium, counter-rotating errors limit the fidelity of fast gates.

“Getting rid of these errors was a fun challenge for us,” says Rower. “Initially, Leon had the idea to utilize circularly polarized microwave drives, analogous to circularly polarized light, but realized by controlling the relative phase of charge and flux drives of a superconducting qubit. Such a circularly polarized drive would ideally be immune to counter-rotating errors.”

While Ding’s idea worked immediately, the fidelities achieved with circularly polarized drives were not as high as expected from coherence measurements.

“Eventually, we stumbled on a beautifully simple idea,” says Rower. “If we applied pulses at exactly the right times, we should be able to make counter-rotating errors consistent from pulse-to-pulse. This would make the counter-rotating errors correctable. Even better, they would be automatically accounted for with our usual Rabi gate calibrations!”

They called this idea “commensurate pulses,” since the pulses needed to be applied at times commensurate with intervals determined by the qubit frequency through its inverse, the time period. Commensurate pulses are defined simply by timing constraints and can be applied to a single linear qubit drive. In contrast, circularly polarized microwaves require two drives and some extra calibration.

“I had much fun developing the commensurate technique,” says Rower. “It was simple, we understood why it worked so well, and it should be portable to any qubit suffering from counter-rotating errors!”

“This project makes it clear that counter-rotating errors can be dealt with easily. This is a wonderful thing for low-frequency qubits such as fluxonium, which are looking more and more promising for quantum computing.”

Fluxonium’s promise

Fluxonium is a type of superconducting qubit made up of a capacitor and Josephson junction; unlike transmon qubits, however, fluxonium also includes a large “superinductor,” which by design helps protect the qubit from environmental noise. This results in performing logical operations, or gates, with greater accuracy.

Despite having higher coherence, however, fluxonium has a lower qubit frequency that is generally associated with proportionally longer gates.

“Here, we’ve demonstrated a gate that is among the fastest and highest-fidelity across all superconducting qubits,” says Ding. “Our experiments really show that fluxonium is a qubit that supports both interesting physical explorations and also absolutely delivers in terms of engineering performance.”

With further research, they hope to reveal new limitations and yield even faster and higher-fidelity gates.

“Counter-rotating dynamics have been understudied in the context of superconducting quantum computing because of how well the rotating-wave approximation holds in common scenarios,” says Ding. “Our paper shows how to precisely calibrate fast, low-frequency gates where the rotating-wave approximation does not hold.”

Physics and engineering team up

“This is a wonderful example of the type of work we like to do in EQuS, because it leverages fundamental concepts in both physics and electrical engineering to achieve a better outcome,” says Oliver. “It builds on our earlier work with non-adiabatic qubit control, applies it to a new qubit  fluxonium and makes a beautiful connection with counter-rotating dynamics.”

The science and engineering teams enabled the high fidelity in two ways. First, the team demonstrated “commensurate” (synchronous) non-adiabatic control, which goes beyond the standard “rotating wave approximation” of standard Rabi approaches. This leverages ideas that won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics for ultrafast “attosecond” pulses of light.

Secondly, they demonstrated it using an analog to circularly polarized light. Rather than a physical electromagnetic field with a rotating polarization vector in real x-y space, they realized a synthetic version of circularly polarized light using the qubit’s x-y space, which in this case corresponds to its magnetic flux and electric charge.

The combination of a new take on an existing qubit design (fluxonium) and the application of advanced control methods applied to an understanding of the underlying physics enabled this result.

Platform-independent and requiring no additional calibration overhead, this work establishes straightforward strategies for mitigating counter-rotating effects from strong drives in circuit quantum electrodynamics and other platforms, which the researchers expect to be helpful in the effort to realize high-fidelity control for fault-tolerant quantum computing.

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Friday, January 17, 2025

Quantum Physics Just Got Even Stranger: Meet the Mysterious Paraparticles

Rice University physicists have mathematically unveiled the possibility of paraparticles, which defy the traditional binary classification of particles into bosons and fermions.

Their research, which delves into the realms of abstract algebra and condensed matter, hints at groundbreaking applications in quantum computing and information systems, suggesting an exciting, albeit speculative, future for new material properties and particle behavior.

Breaking Conventional Particle Categories

Since the early days of quantum mechanics, scientists have believed that all particles fall into one of two categories  bosons or fermions defined by their distinct behaviors.

However, recent research by Rice University physicist Kaden Hazzard and former graduate student Zhiyuan Wang challenges this idea. Their study, published in Nature on January 8, provides a mathematical framework suggesting the potential existence of paraparticles  particles that defy the traditional classification and were once thought impossible.

“We determined that new types of particles we never knew of before are possible,” said Hazzard, associate professor of physics and astronomy.

Quantum mechanics has long held that all observable particles are either fermions or bosons. These two types of particles are distinguished by how they behave when near other particles in a given quantum state. Bosons are able to congregate in unlimited numbers, whereas only one fermion can exist in a given state. This behavior of fermions is referred to as the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no more than two electrons, each with opposite spins, can occupy the same orbital in an atom.

This behavior is responsible for the whole structure of the perodic table,” said Hazzard. “It’s also why you don’t just go through your chair when you sit down.”

Historical Context and Theoretical Advances

In the 1930s and 1940s, researchers began trying to understand whether other types of particles could exist. A concrete quantum theory of such particles, known as paraparticles, was formulated in 1953 and extensively studied by the high energy physics community. However, by the 1970s, mathematical studies seemed to show that so-called paraparticles were actually just bosons or fermions in disguise. The one exception was the existence of anyons, an exotic type of particle that exists only in two dimensions.

Modern Mathematical Approaches Reveal New Possibilities

However, the mathematical theories of the 1970s and beyond were based on assumptions that are not always true in physical systems. Using a solution to the Yang-Baxter equation, an equation useful for describing the interchange of particles, along with group theory and other mathematical tools, Hazzard and Wang set to work to show that paraparticles could theoretically exist and be fully compatible with the known constraints of physics.

The researchers focused on excitations, which can be thought of as particles, in condensed matter systems such as magnets to provide a concrete example for how paraparticles can emerge in nature. “Particles aren’t just these fundamental things,” said Hazzard. “They’re also important in describing materials.”

“This is cross-disciplinary research that involves several areas of theoretical physics and mathematics,” said Wang, now a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Germany.

Implications for Quantum Mechanics and Beyond

Using advanced mathematics, such as Lie algebra, Hopf algebra, and representation theory, as well as a pictorial method based on something known as tensor network diagrams to better handle equations, Hazzard and Wang were able to perform abstract algebraic calculations to develop models of condensed matter systems where paraparticles emerge. They showed that, unlike fermions or bosons, paraparticles behave in strange ways when they exchange their positions with the internal states of the particles transmuting during the process.

Future Directions and Speculative Applications

While they are groundbreaking on their own, these models are the first step toward a better understanding of many new physical phenomena that could occur in paraparticle systems. Further development of this theory could guide experiments that could detect paraparticles in the excitations of condensed matter systems. “To realize paraparticles in experiments, we need more realistic theoretical proposals,” said Wang.

The discovery of new elementary particles and properties in materials could be used in quantum information and computation such as secretly communicating information by manipulating the internal states of particles.

Contemplating possible applications is in its infancy and still mostly speculation. This study is an early step in the study of parastatistics in condensed matter systems, but where these findings could lead is uncertain. Further exploration of the new types of theories discovered and observation of paraparticles in condensed matter systems and other materials will be subjects for research in the future.

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Inside the Tokamak: Scientists Crack the Code to Stable Fusion Energy

Researchers are closing in on the potential of nuclear fusion, the process that powers the stars, as a clean and inexhaustible energy source.

At the heart of this effort is the tokamak reactor design, which uses magnetic fields to confine plasma and maintain the necessary conditions for fusion. A critical challenge has been managing the plasma edge instabilities, but recent breakthroughs in understanding how energetic particles interact with these instabilities suggest promising methods for improving reactor performance.

Sustainable Energy and Nuclear Fusion

Developing sustainable energy sources capable of meeting global energy demand is one of today’s most pressing scientific challenges. Among the potential solutions, nuclear fusion  the process that powers the stars stands out as a clean, virtually limitless energy source.

The most promising approach to fusion energy is the tokamak reactor, which uses magnetic fields to confine plasma. High plasma confinement is critical for the success of nuclear fusion power plants and is the ultimate goal of ITER, the world’s largest tokamak, currently being constructed in Cadarache, France. A key factor in achieving this is maintaining plasma edge stability, which plays a vital role in effective confinement.

In current tokamaks, edge instabilities, known as Edge Localized Modes (ELMs), cause significant particle and energy losses, much like solar flares erupting at the Sun’s surface. These losses can lead to erosion and extreme heat fluxes on the reactor’s plasma-facing components conditions that would be unsustainable for future fusion power plants.

Role of Energetic Particles in Fusion Reactors

Energetic (suprathermal) particles constitute an essential source of momentum and energy, especially in future burning plasmas. They must be well confined to guarantee a self-sustaining fusion reaction. An international collaboration has studied the impact of energetic ions on these ELMs. They have combined experiments, modeling, and simulations to understand the behavior of ELMs in the presence of energetic particles. The measurements were obtained by the team at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak, a fusion device located at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Garching, Germany). The simulations were done using a hybrid code named MEGA, which calculates the self-consistent interaction between the ELMs and energetic particles. Comparison of the modeling results to the experimental data provides a new physics understanding of ELMs in the presence of energetic particles. The results indicate that the spatio-temporal structure of ELMs is largely affected by the energetic particle population and indicate that the interaction mechanism between ELMs and energetic particles is a resonant energy exchange between them.

New Insights from Fusion Research

This interaction mechanism helps to qualitatively understand the striking similarities between the experimental signatures of ELMs visible in magnetic diagnostics and in fast-ion loss detectors. This experimental and computational work, which has been done within the framework of the European fusion consortium EUROfusion, has recently been published in Nature Physics.

“In our publication, we demonstrate that energetic ion kinetic effects can alter the spatio-temporal structure of the edge localized modes. The effect is analogous to a surfer riding the wave. The surfer leaves footprints on the wave when riding it. In a plasma, the energetic particle interacts with the MHD wave (the ELM) and can change its spatio-temporal pattern. Our results can have important implications for the optimization of ELM control techniques. For instance, we could use energetic particles as active actuator in the control of these MHD waves “, says main author Jesús José Domínguez-Palacios Durán.

This is a groundbreaking work, that provides, for the first time, a detailed understanding of the interaction between energetic ions and ELMs. The results indicate that, for ITER, a strong energy and momentum exchange between ELMs and energetic ions is expected.

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Neither electric nor gasoline – this proton engine was predicted by Einstein and defies the laws of physics

Science never stops and now it has made a surprising leap: the proton engine that Albert Einstein predicted decades ago has finally material...