Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Elliptical Galaxies & Warm Dark Matter #sciencefather #High Energy Physi...

Accidental discovery of 1st-ever 'black hole triple' system challenges what we know about how singularities form

Researchers spotted a second distant star orbiting a well-known black hole and its stellar companion in a never-before-seen gravitational triad. The system's unique configuration suggests that the black hole was not created as scientists initially expected.

Researchers spotted a new star orbiting far around the black hole V404 Cygni and its nearby stellar companion. This configuration suggests the black hole was not birthed by a supernova.

Astronomers have accidentally discovered the first-known "black hole triple" system, containing a dark void orbited by two stars. The unique configuration of this triad hints that the black hole was not born via a supernova, which blows away what we thought we knew about how these cosmic entities form.

Until now, most discovered black holes  excluding the supermassive variety at the center of most galaxies exist in binary systems, in which they are orbited by another large object, such as a star, neutron star or a smaller black hole. This is because the invisible space-time voids are easier to spot when they are gravitationally tugging on other objects.

But in a new study, published Wednesday (Oct. 23) in the journal Nature, researchers discovered that one of these known binary systems, which contains the black hole V404 Cygni feasting on a nearby star, actually has a second star circling the pair at a much greater distance.

Gravitational calculations show that the newfound star could not have remained in this delicate system if the black hole was birthed by an exploding star, or supernova, as most other black holes are believed to form. If it had, the distant star would have been blown out of the system by the resulting shockwave. Instead, the team suggests that the black hole formed via the gradual collapse of a massive third star that was once orbited by the other two stars.

This possibility is "super exciting for black hole evolution," study lead author Kevin Burdge, an astrophysicist at MIT, said in a statement. "We think most black holes form from violent explosions of stars, but this discovery helps call that into question," Burdge added.

The black hole in the newly realized triad, V404 Cygni, is about nine times more massive than the sun and located in the Milky Way around 8,000 light-years from Earth. It was one of the first black holes ever discovered when it was spotted in 1992 and has been studied extensively since. Scientists have also long known about its nearby star, which circles the black hole every 6.5 days and is slowly being devoured by its massive partner.

This is not the first time that researchers thought they had found a black hole triple. In 2020, researchers spotted what they believed to be a black hole being orbited by two stars around 1,000 light-years from Earth, which would have made it the closest black hole to us. However, subsequent observations revealed that this system was actually a binary system containing a "vampire star" instead that is, a star that slowly steals gas from a smaller partner star.

If V404 Cygni formed through gradual collapse, as the researchers suspect, then the team believes the peculiar black hole was birthed at some point in the last 4 billion years, after the two stars were born.

Over the last few years, researchers have begun to suspect that gradual collapse could be a more common origin for black holes than previously realized. And in March, researchers proposed this mechanism could be behind the disappearance of "vanishing stars" that astronomers have recently lost track of. The new findings suggest that this could be the case.

Website: International Research Awards on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Lagrangian computational fluid dynamics for nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics #...

Supercomputers Power Unprecedented Advances in Quantum Photonics

Scientists at Paderborn University have for the first time used high-performance computing (on the right in the picture the Paderborn supercomputer Noctua) to analyze a quantum photonics experiment on a large scale.

Scientists have revolutionized the field of quantum photonics by employing high-performance computing to analyze quantum detectors at an unprecedented scale.

Their innovative approach involves the tomographic reconstruction of experimental data, enabling rapid and efficient characterization of photon detectors. This development promises to enhance quantum research significantly, paving the way for advanced applications in quantum computing and communication.

Breakthrough in Quantum Photonics With High-Performance Computing

For the first time, scientists at Paderborn University have applied large-scale high-performance computing (HPC) at large scales to analyze a quantum photonics experiment. Specifically, this involved reconstructing experimental data from a quantum detector a device capable of measuring individual photons, or light particles using tomographic techniques. To enable this, the research team developed innovative HPC software. Their groundbreaking findings have been published in the journal Quantum Science and Technology.

Advancements in Quantum Characterization

High-resolution photon
detectors are becoming essential tools in quantum research, but accurately characterizing these devices has been challenging due to the enormous data volumes involved. Analyzing this data while preserving its quantum mechanical integrity is crucial for effective measurements and future applications. Conventional methods struggle to handle the complex computations required for large-scale quantum systems, but researchers at Paderborn are tackling this by leveraging high-performance computing for detailed characterization and certification.

“By developing open-source customized algorithms using HPC, we perform quantum tomography on a megascale quantum photonic detector,” explains physicist Timon Schapeler, who collaborated with computer scientist Dr. Robert Schade and colleagues from the PhoQS (Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems) and PC2 (Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing). PC2, an interdisciplinary project at Paderborn University, manages the HPC systems. As one of Germany’s national high-performance computing centers, Paderborn University stands at the forefront of advancing HPC capabilities in academia.

Scaling New Heights in Quantum Research

“The findings are opening up entirely new horizons for the size of systems being analyzed in the field of scalable quantum photonics. This has wider implications, for example for characterizing photonic quantum computer hardware,” Schapeler continues. Researchers were able to perform their calculations for describing a photon detector within just a few minutes – faster than ever before. The system also managed to complete calculations involving huge quantities of data extremely quickly.

Schapeler: “This shows the unprecedented scale on which this tool can be used with quantum photonic systems. As far as we know, our work is the first contribution to the field of traditional high-performance computing enabling experimental quantum photonics at large scales. This field will become increasingly important when it comes to demonstrating quantum supremacy in quantum photonic experiments – and on a scale that cannot be calculated by conventional means.”

Shaping the Future With Fundamental Research

Schapeler is a doctoral student in the Mesoscopic Quantum Optics research group headed by Professor Tim Bartley. This team conducts research into the fundamental physics of the quantum states of light and its applications. These states consist of tens, hundreds, or thousands of photons.

“The scale is crucial, as this illustrates the fundamental advantage that quantum systems hold over conventional ones. There is a clear benefit in many areas, including measurement technology, data processing, and communications,” Bartley explains. The major discipline of quantum research is one of Paderborn University’s flagship fields. Respected experts are conducting fundamental research to shape the specific applications of the future.

Website: International Research Awards on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Monday, October 28, 2024

Pore structure development of oxidized nuclear graphite #sciencefather #...

Molecular “Fingerprinting” Now 100 Times Faster With Raman Spectroscopy

Researchers at the University of Tokyo have achieved a 100-fold increase in the measurement rate of Raman spectroscopy, advancing its application in biomedical diagnostics and materials analytics.

This innovation was enabled by combining coherent Raman spectroscopy, a specially designed ultrashort pulse laser, and time-stretch technology, offering new possibilities for high-throughput, label-free chemical imaging.

Breakthrough in Raman Spectroscopy Speed

Scientists have successfully increased the measurement rate of Raman spectroscopy, a widely used technique for identifying molecules, by 100 times. Researchers Takuma Nakamura, Kazuki Hashimoto, and Takuro Ideguchi from the Institute for Photon Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo achieved this breakthrough. Raman spectroscopy is commonly used to measure the “vibrational fingerprint” of molecules, which helps to identify them.

This significant improvement addresses a long-standing limitation in the technique’s speed, opening doors to advancements in fields that depend on rapid molecular and cellular identification, such as biomedical diagnostics and material analysis. The research was published on October 22 in the journal Ultrafast Science.

Expanding Applications in Science

Raman spectroscopy plays a crucial role in both basic and applied sciences by identifying various types of molecules and cells. When a laser beam interacts with molecules, it causes vibrations and rotations in the molecular bonds, resulting in a shift in the light’s frequency. This shift, known as the scattering spectra, forms the unique “vibrational fingerprint” of each molecule.

Measurement is the foundation of science,” says Ideguchi, the principal investigator of the study, “and as such, we strive to achieve the highest performance in our measurement systems. Particularly, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of optical measurements.”

Enhancing Optical Measurements

As Raman spectroscopy is a widely used measurement technique, there have been many attempts to improve it. One of its major limiting factors is its measurement rate, making it unable to “keep up” with the speed of changes in some chemical and physical reactions. The team set to improve the measurement rate by building a system from scratch.

“I had been contemplating this idea for over ten years without being able to start the project,” says Ideguchi. “It was the new, optimal laser system we developed a few years ago that finally made progress possible.”

Technological Innovation and Future Visions

Leveraging their expertise in optics and photonics, the researchers combined three ingredients: coherent Raman spectroscopy, a version of Raman spectroscopy that produces stronger signals than conventional, spontaneous Raman spectroscopy, a specifically designed ultrashort pulse laser, and time-stretch technology using optical fibers. As a result, they achieved a 50MSpectra/s (megaspectra per second) measurement rate, a 100-fold increase compared to the fastest measurement of 50kSpectra/s (kilospectra per second) so far. Ideguchi describes the wide-ranging potential of this improvement.

“We aim to apply our spectrometer to microscopy, enabling the capture of 2D or 3D images with Raman scattering spectra. Additionally, we envision its use in flow cytometry by combining this technology with microfluidics. These systems will enable high-throughput, label-free chemical imaging and spectroscopy of biomolecules in cells or tissues.”

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Saturday, October 26, 2024

Ghost Particles on Patrol: Antimatter Detector Revolutionizes Nuclear Reactor Monitoring

Researchers have developed a new detector that analyzes antineutrinos emitted by nuclear reactors to monitor their activities from great distances.

This technology, which utilizes the phenomena of Cherenkov radiation, could revolutionize how we ensure reactors are not producing material for nuclear weapons, despite challenges from other environmental antineutrinos.

Nuclear Fission and Antimatter Monitoring

Nuclear fission reactors provide a major energy source worldwide, with global power capacity projected to nearly double by 2050. However, it remains challenging to determine if a reactor is also producing material for nuclear weapons. Capturing and analyzing antimatter particles, specifically antineutrinos, offers a potential solution by allowing scientists to remotely monitor reactor activities from hundreds of miles away.

In a study published in AIP Advances, researchers from the University of Sheffield and the University of Hawaii introduced a new detector that can sense and analyze antineutrinos emitted by nuclear reactors. Designed by Wilson and colleagues, this detector can assess antineutrino energy profiles from a distance, offering a way to remotely monitor reactor activity.

“In this paper, we test a detector design that could be used to measure the energy of particle emission of nuclear fission reactors at large distances,” said author Stephen Wilson. “This information could tell us not only whether a reactor exists and about its operational cycle, but also how far away the reactor is.”

The Role of Neutrinos and Antineutrinos

Neutrinos are chargeless elementary particles that have a mass of nearly zero, and antineutrinos are their antimatter counterpart, most often created during nuclear reactions. Capturing these antiparticles and analyzing their energy levels provides information on anything from operational cycle to specific isotopes in spent fuel.

The group’s detector design exploits Cherenkov radiation, a phenomenon in which radiation is emitted when charged particles moving faster than light pass through a particular medium, akin to sonic booms when crossing the sound barrier. This is also responsible for nuclear reactors’ eerie blue glow and has been used to detect neutrinos in astrophysics laboratories.

Challenges and Future Directions in Antineutrino Detection

The researchers proposed to assemble their device in northeast England and detect antineutrinos from reactors from all over the U.K. as well as in northern France.

One issue, however, is that antineutrinos from the upper atmosphere and space can muddle the signal, especially as very distant reactors yield exceeding small signals sometimes on the order of a single antineutrino per day. To account for this, the group proposed to place their detector in a mine more than 1 kilometer underground.

“Discriminating between these particles is also a significant analysis challenge, and being able to measure an energy spectrum can take an impractically long time,” Wilson said. “In many ways, what surprised me most is that this is not actually impossible.”

Wilson hopes the detector stimulates more discussion in how to use antineutrinos to monitor reactors, including measuring the antineutrino spectrum of spent nuclear fuel or developing smaller detectors for use closer to reactors.

Website: International Research Awards on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Friday, October 25, 2024

Entanglement, quantum steering, and Bell nonlocality in the Tavis–Cummin...

How Fast Is Quantum Entanglement? Scientists Clock the Speed of the Instantaneous

Scientists have developed simulations to investigate the rapid processes of quantum theory, revealing insights into quantum entanglement and its formation.

These findings, which detail how entanglement can be quantified and observed within attoseconds, demonstrate significant advances in understanding the temporal dynamics of quantum events.

Quantum Theory and Time: Unraveling Instantaneous Effects

Quantum theory deals with events that occur on incredibly short time scales. In the past, these events were thought to happen instantaneously, with no time in between: an electron orbits the nucleus of an atom and, in the blink of an eye, it’s suddenly ejected by a flash of light. Similarly, two particles collide and are immediately ‘quantum entangled.’

Today, however, scientists can study the exact timing of these nearly instantaneous effects. Researchers from TU Wien (Vienna), in collaboration with teams from China, have developed computer simulations to explore these ultrafast processes. These simulations allow us to understand how quantum entanglement forms in mere attoseconds. Their findings have been published in the journal Physical Review Letters.

An attosecond is an extremely small fraction of time, lasting just one quintillionth (one billionth of a billionth, or 10-18) of a second. It’s often used to measure ultrafast phenomena in quantum physics, such as the movement of electrons within atoms.

Quantum Entanglement Explained

If two particles are quantum entangled, it makes no sense to describe them separately. Even if you know the state of this two-particle system perfectly well, you cannot make a clear statement about the state of a single particle. “You could say that the particles have no individual properties, they only have common properties. From a mathematical point of view, they belong firmly together, even if they are in two completely different places,” explains Prof. Joachim Burgdörfer from the Institute of Theoretical Physics at TU Wien.

In experiments with entangled quantum particles, scientists are usually interested in maintaining this quantum entanglement for as long as possible – for example, if they want to use quantum entanglement for quantum cryptography or quantum computers. “We, on the other hand, are interested in something else – in finding out how this entanglement develops in the first place and which physical effects play a role on extremely short time scales,” says Prof. Iva BÅ™ezinová, one of the authors of the current publication.

Quantum Birth Times and Entanglement

The researchers looked at atoms that were hit by an extremely intense and high-frequency laser pulse. An electron is torn out of the atom and flies away. If the radiation is strong enough, it is possible that a second electron of the atom is also affected: It can be shifted into a state with higher energy and then orbit the atomic nucleus on a different path.

So after the laser pulse, one electron flies away and one remains with the atom with unknown energy. “We can show that these two electrons are now quantum entangled,” says Joachim Burgdörfer. “You can only analyze them together – and you can perform a measurement on one of the electrons and learn something about the other electron at the same time.”

Measurement and Mystery in Quantum Physics

The research team has now been able to show, using a suitable measurement protocol that combines two different laser beams, that it is possible to achieve a situation in which the ‘birth time’ of the electron flying away, i.e. the moment it left the atom, is related to the state of the electron that remains behind. These two properties are quantum entangled.

“This means that the birth time of the electron that flies away is not known in principle. You could say that the electron itself doesn’t know when it left the atom,” says Joachim Burgdörfer. “It is in a quantum-physical superposition of different states. It has left the atom at both an earlier and a later point in time.”

Which point in time it ‘really’ was cannot be answered – the ‘actual’ answer to this question simply does not exist in quantum physics. But the answer is quantum-physically linked to the – also undetermined – state of the electron remaining with the atom: If the remaining electron is in a state of higher energy, then the electron that flew away was more likely to have been torn out at an early point in time; if the remaining electron is in a state of lower energy, then the ‘birth time’ of the free electron that flew away was likely later – on average around 232 attoseconds.

This is an almost unimaginably short period of time: an attosecond is a billionth of a billionth of a second. “However, these differences can not only be calculated, but also measured in experiments,” says Joachim Burgdörfer. “We are already in talks with research teams who want to prove such ultrafast entanglements.”

Website: International Research Awards on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Radiative Neutrino Mass & Majorana Dark matter in Scotogenic Model #sci...

“Dizzying” Discovery: Mysterious Electron-Path-Deflecting Effect Unlocks New Quantum Behaviors

Twisting tungsten disulfide crystals allows researchers to control electron movement and enhance optical properties, unlocking new possibilities for quantum materials and photonic applications.

In 2018, a discovery in materials science sent shock waves throughout the community. A team showed that stacking two layers of graphene a honeycomb-like layer of carbon extracted from graphite at a precise “magic angle” turned it into a superconductor, says Ritesh Agarwal of the University of Pennsylvania. This sparked the field of “twistronics,” revealing that twisting layered materials could unlock extraordinary material properties.

Building on this concept, Agarwal, Penn theoretical physicist Eugene Mele, and collaborators have taken twistronics into new territory. In a study published in Nature, they investigated spirally stacked tungsten disulfide (WS₂) crystals and discovered that, by twisting these layers, light could be used to manipulate electrons. The result is analogous to the Coriolis force, which curves the paths of objects in a rotating frame, like how wind and ocean currents behave on Earth.

“What we discovered is that by simply twisting the material, we could control how electrons move,” says Agarwal, Srinivasa Ramanujan Distinguished Scholar in the School of Engineering and Applied Science. This phenomenon was particularly evident when the team shined circularly polarized light on WS₂ spirals, causing electrons to deflect in different directions based on the material’s internal twist.

The origins of the team’s latest findings trace back to the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns when the lab was shut down and first author Zhurun (Judy) Ji was wrapping up her Ph.D.

Unable to conduct physical experiments in the space, she shifted her focus to more theoretical work and collaborated with Mele, the Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Physics in the School of Arts & Sciences. Together, they developed a theoretical model for electron behavior in twisted environments, based on the speculation that a continuously twisted lattice would create a strange, complex landscape where electrons could exhibit new quantum behaviors.

“The structure of these materials is reminiscent of DNA or a spiral staircase. This means that the usual rules of periodicity in a crystal where atoms sit in neat, repeating patterns no longer apply,” Ji says.

Experimental Breakthroughs

As 2021 arrived and pandemic restrictions lifted, Agarwal learned during a scientific conference that former colleague Song Jin of the University of Wisconsin-Madison was growing crystals with a continuous spiral twist. Recognizing that Jin’s spirally twisted WS₂ crystals were the perfect material to test Ji and Mele’s theories, Agarwal arranged for Jin to send over a batch. The experimental results were intriguing.

Mele says the effect mirrored the Coriolis force, an observation that is usually associated with the mysterious sideways deflections seen in rotating systems. Mathematically, this force closely resembles a magnetic deflection, explaining why the electrons behaved as though a magnetic field were present even when there was none. This insight was crucial, as it tied together the twisting of the crystal and the interaction with circularly polarized light.

Agarwal and Mele compare the electron response to the classic Hall effect wherein current flowing through a conductor is deflected sideways by a magnetic field. But, while the Hall effect is driven by a magnetic field, here “the twisting structure and the Coriolis-like force were guiding the electrons,” Mele says. “The discovery wasn’t just about finding this force; it was about understanding when and why it appears and, more importantly, when it shouldn’t.”

One of the major challenges, Mele adds, was that, once they recognized this Coriolis deflection could occur in a twisted crystal, it seemed that the idea was working too well. The effect appeared so naturally in the theory that it appeared hard to switch off even in scenarios where it shouldn’t exist. It took nearly a year to establish the exact conditions under which this phenomenon could be observed or suppressed.

Agarwal likens the behavior of electrons in these materials to “going down a slide at a water park. If an electron went down a straight slide, like conventional material lattices, everything would be smooth. But, if you send it down a spiraling slide, it’s a completely different experience. The electron feels forces pushing it in different directions and come out the other end altered, kind of like being a little ‘dizzy.’”

This “dizziness” is particularly exciting to the team because it introduces a new degree of control over electron movement, achieved purely through the geometric twist of the material. What’s more, the work also revealed a strong optical nonlinearity, meaning that the material’s response to light was amplified significantly.

“In typical materials, optical nonlinearity is weak,” Agarwal says, “but in our twisted system, it’s remarkably strong, suggesting potential applications in photonic devices and sensors.”

Website: International Research Awards on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Numerical wave propagation aided by deep learning #sciencefather # High ...

Precision Redefined: Harvard’s Spin Squeezing Enhances Quantum Sensing

New research at Harvard has enhanced quantum sensors’ capabilities through spin squeezing, a method that fine-tunes measurement sensitivity.

Exploring Quantum Sensing Breakthroughs

Measurement is fundamental to every achievement and discovery in science. Today, thanks to advancements in quantum sensing, scientists can now measure phenomena that were once unimaginable such as the vibrations of atoms, the properties of individual photons, and the subtle fluctuations associated with gravitational waves.

One promising quantum technique, known as “spin squeezing,” has the potential to greatly enhance the precision of quantum sensors. However, it has been notoriously difficult to achieve. In new research, Harvard physicists have brought spin squeezing closer to practical use.

Spin squeezing is a form of quantum entanglement that limits how much a group of particles can fluctuate. This restriction allows for more precise measurements of certain signals, although it comes at the cost of reduced accuracy for other complementary measurements. It’s similar to squeezing a balloon gaining height by losing width.

Enhancing Measurement Precision Through Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics can enhance our ability to measure very small signals,” said Norman Yao, a physics professor and author of the new paper on spin squeezing in Nature Physics. “We have shown that it is possible to get such quantum-enhanced metrology in a much broader class of systems than was previously thought.”

New Strategies for Quantum Enhancements

The Harvard team’s work built upon a landmark 1993 paper that first described the possibility of a spin-squeezed, entangled state brought about by “all-to-all” interactions between atoms. Such interactions are akin to a large Zoom meeting, in which each participant is interacting with every other participant at once. Between atoms, this type of connectivity easily enables the build-up of the quantum mechanical correlations necessary to induce a spin-squeezed state. However, in nature, atoms typically interact in a way that’s more like a game of telephone, only speaking with a few neighbors at a time.

“For years, it has been thought that one can only get truly quantum-enhanced spin squeezing via all-to-all interactions,” said Bingtian Ye, co-lead author of the paper and also a former Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences student. “But what we have shown is that it is actually way easier.”

In their paper, the researchers outline a new strategy for generating spin-squeezed entanglement. They intuited, and together with collaborators in France quickly confirmed via experiment that the ingredients for spin squeezing are present in a ubiquitous type of magnetism found often in nature  ferromagnetism, which is also the force that makes refrigerator magnets stick. They posit that all-to-all interactions are not necessary to achieve spin squeezing, but rather, so long as the spins are connected well enough to sync into a magnetic state, they should also be able to dynamically generate spin squeezing.

Future Directions in Quantum Sensing

The researchers are optimistic that by thus lowering the barrier to spin squeezing, their work will inspire new ways for quantum scientists and engineers to create more portable sensors, useful in biomedical imaging, atomic clocks, and more.

In that spirit, Yao is now leading experiments to generate spin-squeezing in quantum sensors made out of nitrogen-vacancy centers, which are a type of defect in the crystal structure of diamond that have long been recognized as ideal quantum sensors.

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Researchers turned light into supersolid, for the first time

A groundbreaking achievement that advances our understanding of condensed matter physics. Imagine a type of matter where particles are arran...