Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory


Department of Energy announces plans to host an informational meeting and requests expressions of interest for the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory management and operating contract competition.


Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the schedule and deadlines for upcoming events and submissions associated with the competition for the management and operating (M&O) contract for the Fermi National Acceleratory Laboratory (FNAL). 

DOE will host an informational meeting and site tour on March 1, 2023, at FNAL to provide information regarding the site to interested parties. Find more information about the informational meeting here.

Additionally, potential offerors and interested parties may submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to FNALcompetition@science.doe.gov. Learn more about the Expression of Interest here.

The department expects to issue a draft Request for Proposals (RFP) in the Summer 2023 timeframe. The draft RFP will be consistent with departmental and federal competition policies and regulations. About three weeks after the draft RFP issuance, a pre-solicitation conference will be held. It is anticipated that a new contract will be awarded on or before September 30, 2024. More information will be posted on the competition website as it becomes available.    

To ensure that the solicitation process is transparent and current, DOE has established a public website that will be the repository for information related to the FNAL competition. Potential offerors and other interested parties are encouraged to check the website frequently for updates, important announcements, and other documents related to this competition. 

Sign up here to receive email updates about the FNAL Contract Competition.

FNAL is a single-purpose laboratory that leads the nation in the construction and operation of world-leading accelerator and detector facilities and in developing the underlying technology for particle physics research. The primary mission of FNAL is delivering breakthrough science and technology in the area of high energy particle physics.

DOE’s Office of Science is responsible for the stewardship of FNAL. The Office of Science is the largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, visit science.energy.gov.

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Friday, February 3, 2023

Researchers devise a new path toward 'quantum light'

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Researchers devise a new path toward 'quantum light'

The researchers, from the University of Cambridge, along with colleagues from the U.S., Israel and Austria, developed a theory describing a new state of light, which has controllable quantum properties over a broad range of frequencies, up as high as X-ray frequencies. Their results are reported in the journal Nature Physics.

The world we observe around us can be described according to the laws of classical physics, but once we observe things at an atomic scale, the strange world of  takes over. Imagine a basketball: observing it with the , the basketball behaves according to the laws of classical physics. But the atoms that make up the basketball behave according to quantum physics instead.

"Light is no exception: from sunlight to , it can mostly be described using classical physics," said lead author Dr. Andrea Pizzi, who carried out the research while based at Cambridge's Cavendish Laboratory. "But at the micro and nanoscale so-called quantum fluctuations start playing a role and classical physics cannot account for them."

Pizzi, who is currently based at Harvard University, worked with Ido Kaminer's group at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and colleagues at MIT and the University of Vienna to develop a theory that predicts a new way of controlling the quantum nature of light.

"Quantum fluctuations make quantum light harder to study, but also more interesting: if correctly engineered, quantum fluctuations can be a resource," said Pizzi. "Controlling the state of quantum light could enable new techniques in microscopy and quantum computation."

One of the main techniques for generating light uses strong lasers. When a strong enough laser is pointed at a collection of emitters, it can rip some electrons away from the emitters and energize them. Eventually, some of these electrons recombine with the emitters they were extracted from, and the  they absorbed is released as light. This process turns the low-frequency input light into a high-frequency output radiation.

"The assumption has been that all these emitters are independent from one another, resulting in output light in which quantum fluctuations are pretty featureless," said Pizzi. "We wanted to study a system where the emitters are not independent, but correlated: the state of one particle tells you something about the state of another. In this case, the output light starts behaving very differently, and its quantum fluctuations become highly structured, and potentially more useful."

To solve this type of problem, known as a many body problem, the researchers used a combination of theoretical analysis and , where the output light from a group of correlated emitters could be described using quantum .

The theory, whose development was led by Pizzi and Alexey Gorlach from the Technion, demonstrates that controllable quantum light can be generated by correlated emitters with a strong laser. The method generates high-energy output light, and could be used to engineer the quantum-optical structure of X-rays.

"We worked for months to get the equations cleaner and cleaner, until we got to the point where we could describe the connection between the output light and the input correlations with just one compact equation. As a physicist, I find this beautiful," said Pizzi.

"Looking forward, we would like to collaborate with experimentalists to provide a validation of our predictions. On the theory side of things, our work suggests  as a resource for generating quantum light, a concept that we want to investigate more broadly, beyond the setup considered in this work."

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Thursday, February 2, 2023

The tidal impact on the plasmasphere

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 Evidence found of tidal impact on the plasmasphere

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Yes, there is evidence of tidal impacts on the plasmasphere. Tidal forces from the moon and sun create a range of variations in the plasmasphere, including changes in density and temperature. These changes have been observed in auroral observations and in satellites. Additionally, these tidal forces can cause waves in the plasmasphere that can affect the density and temperature of the plasma, energy to the plasma, and disrupt the magnetospheric currents. Tidal forces can also affect the composition of the plasmasphere, as the tides can cause ionization and recombination of the plasma particles, resulting in changes in the abundance of various ion species. Tidal forces can also cause instability in the plasmasphere, creating plasma bubbles and other structures that can be observed with ground-based instruments.


Early scientists found a connection between the tides and the movement of the  thousands of years ago. More recent evidence suggests the moon's pull acts on the ionosphere as well. In this new study, the researchers wondered if the moon might also have an impact on the plasmasphere.

The plasmasphere is a toroidal mass of plasma that surrounds the Earth. It lies beyond the ionosphere and is made up mostly of electrons and protons. Its particles are charged by the ionosphere, and its outer boundary is known as the plasmapause.

The group found that they were able to isolate tidal variations in the shape of the plasmapause that could be associated with the position of the moon, clear evidence that the moon does exert an influence on the plasmasphere. They also found that they were able to see monthly periodicities in the changes in plasmapause.

The researchers propose that three  are responsible for the tidal variations: the existence of a two-body system—namely the Earth and moon—along with the existence of the plasma field and the existence of the magnetic field. They further suggest that similar tidal variations likely occur in other two-body systems throughout the universe.

Neither electric nor gasoline – this proton engine was predicted by Einstein and defies the laws of physics

Science never stops and now it has made a surprising leap: the proton engine that Albert Einstein predicted decades ago has finally material...