Saturday, February 1, 2025

Could We Use Gravitational Waves For Space Communication? Scientists Are Exploring

When astronomers detected the first long-predicted gravitational waves in 2015, it opened a whole new window into the Universe.

Before that, astronomy depended on observations of light in all its wavelengths.

We also use light to communicate, mostly radio waves. Could we use gravitational waves to communicate?

The idea is intriguing, though beyond our capabilities right now. Still, there's value in exploring the hypothetical, as the future has a way of arriving sooner than we sometimes think.

"The discovery of gravitational waves has opened a new observational window for astronomy and physics, offering a unique approach to exploring the depths of the universe and extreme astrophysical phenomena. Beyond its impact on astronomical research, gravitational waves have also garnered widespread attention as a new communication paradigm," the authors explain.

Traditional electromagnetic communications have definite drawbacks and limitations. Signals get weaker with distance, which restricts range.

Atmospheric effects can interfere with radio communications and diffuse and distort them. There are also line-of-sight restrictions, and solar weather and space activity can also interfere.

What's promising about gravitational wave communication (GWC) is that it could overcome these challenges.

GWC is robust in extreme environments and loses minimal energy over extremely long distances. It also overcomes problems that plague electromagnetic communication (EMC), like diffusion, distortion, and reflection.

There's also the intriguing possibility of harnessing naturally created GWs, which means reducing the energy needed to create them.

"Gravitational communication, also known as gravitational wave communication, holds the promise of overcoming the limitations of traditional electromagnetic communication, enabling robust transmission across extreme environments and vast distances," the authors point out.

To advance the technology, researchers need to create artificial gravitational waves (GWs) in the lab. That's one of the primary goals of GW research. GWs are extremely weak, and only enormous masses moving rapidly can generate them.

Even the GWs we've detected coming from merging supermassive black holes (SMBHs), which can have billions of solar masses, produce only miniscule effects that require incredibly sensitive instruments like LIGO to detect.

Generating GWs that are strong enough to detect is a necessary first step.

"The generation of gravitational waves is pivotal for advancing gravitational communication, yet it remains one of the foremost challenges in contemporary technological development," the authors write.

"Researchers have explored various innovative methods to achieve this, including mechanical resonance and rotational devices, superconducting materials, and particle beam collisions, as well as techniques involving high-power lasers and electromagnetic fields."

There is plenty of theoretical work behind GWC but less practical work. The paper points out what direction research should take to bridge the gap between the two.

Obviously, there's no way to recreate an event as awesome as a black hole merger in a laboratory. But surprisingly, researchers have been considering the problem as far back as 1960, long before we'd ever detected GWs.

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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Could We Use Gravitational Waves For Space Communication? Scientists Are Exploring

When astronomers detected the first long-predicted gravitational waves in 2015, it opened a whole new window into the Universe. Before that...