Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Dark Energy is Misidentification of Variations in Kinetic Energy of Universe’s Expansion

Dark energy an unknown energy source that is causing our Universe’s expansion to accelerate doesn’t actually exist, according to new research.

Dark energy is commonly thought to be a weak anti-gravity force which acts independently of matter and makes up around two thirds of the mass-energy density of the Universe.

The Lambda Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) model, which has served as the standard cosmological model for quarter of a century, requires dark energy to explain the observed acceleration in the rate at which the cosmos is expanding.

Astrophysicists base this conclusion on measurements of the distances to supernova explosions in distant galaxies, which appear to be farther away than they should be if the Universe’s expansion were not accelerating.

However, the present expansion rate of the Universe is increasingly being challenged by new observations.

Firstly, evidence from the afterglow of the Big Bang  the Cosmic Microwave Background shows the expansion of the early Universe is at odds with current expansion, an anomaly known as the Hubble tension.

In addition, in an analysis of new high precision data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), scientists found that the ΛCDM model does not fit as well as models in which dark energy is evolving over time, rather than remaining constant.

Both the Hubble tension and the surprises revealed by DESI are difficult to resolve in models which use a simplified 100-year-old cosmic expansion law Friedmann’s equation.

This assumes that, on average, the Universe expands uniformly as if all cosmic structures could be put through a blender to make a featureless soup, with no complicating structure.

However, the present Universe actually contains a complex cosmic web of galaxy clusters in sheets and filaments that surround and thread vast empty voids.

“Our findings show that we do not need dark energy to explain why the Universe appears to expand at an accelerating rate,” said Professor David Wiltshire.

“Dark energy is a misidentification of variations in the kinetic energy of expansion, which is not uniform in a Universe as lumpy as the one we actually live in.”

“The research provides compelling evidence that may resolve some of the key questions around the quirks of our expanding cosmos.”

“With new data, the Universe’s biggest mystery could be settled by the end of the decade.”

The new evidence supports the timescape model of cosmic expansion, which doesn’t have a need for dark energy because the differences in stretching light aren’t the result of an accelerating Universe but instead a consequence of how we calibrate time and distance.

It takes into account that gravity slows time, so an ideal clock in empty space ticks faster than inside a galaxy.

The model suggests that a clock in the Milky Way would be about 35% slower than the same one at an average position in large cosmic voids, meaning billions more years would have passed in voids.

This would in turn allow more expansion of space, making it seem like the expansion is getting faster when such vast empty voids grow to dominate the Universe.

“We now have so much data that in the 21st century we can finally answer the question how and why does a simple average expansion law emerge from complexity?” Professor Wiltshire said.

“A simple expansion law consistent with Einstein’s general relativity does not have to obey Friedmann’s equation.”

“ESA’s Euclid satellite, which was launched in July 2023, has the power to test and distinguish the Friedmann equation from the timescape alternative.”

“However, this will require at least 1,000 independent high quality supernovae observations.”

Website: International Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science.


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