Saturday, June 8, 2024

Physicists want to drill a 5-kilometre-deep hole on the moon


Going deep into lunar rock could give us an opportunity to see if protons can decay into something else – a finding that could help us unify conflicting physics theories.

Drilling a 5-kilometre-deep hole in the moon could finally provide evidence that protons can fall apart, claim a group of physicists. If this previously unseen behaviour is spotted, it would help efforts to unify incompatible physics theories.

Scientific Objectives Geological Study: Lunar Stratigraphy: Understanding the layers beneath the lunar surface to study the Moon's geological history. Thermal History: Investigating the Moon's thermal evolution by examining heat flow and thermal gradients. Seismology: Installing seismometers in the borehole to monitor lunar seismic activity and internal structure. Resource Identification: Volatiles: Searching for water ice, hydrogen, helium-3, and other volatiles that could be valuable for future lunar missions and colonization. Minerals: Identifying and analyzing lunar minerals to assess their potential for extraction and utilization. Astrobiology: Exobiology: Studying any possible signs of past life or prebiotic chemistry, especially in permanently shadowed regions where volatile compounds might be preserved. Technical Challenges Drilling Technology: Drill Design: Developing a robust drill capable of operating in the harsh lunar environment, including extreme temperatures, low gravity, and abrasive lunar regolith. Power Supply: Ensuring a reliable power source, likely solar panels supplemented by batteries or potentially nuclear power.

International Research Conference on High Energy Physics and Computational Science

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