Friday, August 25, 2023

Chandrayaan-3: Historic India mission for moon’s south pole set for landing


People wave Indian flags as a rocket carrying the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft lifts off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh state, India 

India could become the first nation to land a spacecraft on the moon’s south pole, days after a Russian probe crashed in the same region – an historic moment for the world’s most populous nation, as it rapidly closes in on milestones set by global space powers. Chandrayaan-3, which means “Mooncraft” in Sanskrit, is scheduled to touch down shortly after 6pm India time (12:30 GMT) on Wednesday near the little-explored lunar south pole.

“India reaches for the moon”, The Times of India front-page headline read on Wednesday, with the hoped-for lunar landing dominating local news. “It’s D-Day for moon mission”, The Hindustan Times said. A previous Indian effort failed in 2019, and the latest attempt comes just days after Russia’s first moon mission in almost 50 years, destined for the same region, crashed on the lunar surface. But former Indian space chief K Sivan said the latest photos transmitted back home by the lander gave every indication the final leg of the voyage would succeed. “It is giving some encouragement that we will be able to achieve the landing mission without any problem,” he told AFP news agency on Monday.

“Chandrayaan-3 is going to go with more ruggedness,” he said. “We have confidence, and we expect that everything will go smoothly.” Anil Kumar Bhatt, director general of the Indian Space Association, told Al Jazeera he was confident the spacecraft will make a soft landing. “India has already had two missions, Chandrayaan-1, which was a total success; Chandrayaan-2, which was partially successful, and of course, our lander at that time crash-landed but the lessons learned from that I am very sure have been picked up very well by our scientists,” he said. “And this time, they have had all the fail-safe mechanisms put into it, they have learnt the right lessons and I am very sure … we will have a very good news.”

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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Muons help explore physics beyond the Standard Model


The Standard Model of physics is a theoretical framework that describes fundamental particles, governing how they interact, decay, and transform into each other. It is often regarded as the most accurate theory physicists have to date, and its predictions of a wide range of phenomena are in general agreement with experimental data. However, the Standard Model has its limitations. For example, it describes only three fundamental interactions — electromagnetic, strong and weak — but omits gravity, a huge player in our Universe. In addition, it does not provide any hints as to what dark matter and dark energy are, while the existence of these entities is suggested by numerous astronomical observations. But recently there have been indications that nature is not fully described by the Standard Model, and not only at cosmological scale, but also on the subatomic, on the level of individual elementary particles. Enter the muon The controversy is centered around a tiny particle called a muon, which is very similar to the electron but about 200 times heavier. Unlike the electrons, protons, and neutrons that make up atoms, muons that can be detected on Earth are created when cosmic rays collide with particles in the atmosphere. They exist for just over a millisecond before decaying into other particles, namely an electron and a two kinds of neutrinos, which makes them much more difficult to study. Problems with theoretical descriptions of the muon first arose about 20 years ago, when an experiment done at the Brookhaven Particle Accelerator in New York in which particles were collided to produce muons showed that the value of the muon’s magnetic moment, a quantity governing how a particle interacts with a magnetic field, differs slightly from what the Standard Model predicts. By comparing the computed value of the muon’s magnetic moment determined according to the Standard Model with the value measured in the accelerator experiments, the Brookhaven team found a discrepancy. Measuring muon’s magnetic moment To test the validity of the Brookhaven’s team result and to confirm that the Standard Model is indeed in conflict with experimental data, a team of scientists from Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), located near Batavia, Illinois near Chicago, performed a similar experiment, but with significantly higher accuracy. “We’re really probing new territory,” said Brendan Casey, a senior scientist at Fermilab, in a statement. “We’re determining the muon magnetic moment at a better precision than it has ever been seen before.” As muons exist for a very short period of time, the physicists were unable to study these particles directly. Instead, a common technique in physics is to study the decay products of particles and back track as they are usually longer lived and easier to measure. What do the results mean? In their study, the physicists used muons produced as a result of proton collisions at another accelerator in the same facility, boosting them in the collider to almost the speed of light. When they decay, the researchers studied the number of positively charged electrons, called positrons, born as a result of this processes. This number depends on the magnetic moment of the muon, allowing the team to derive this quantity from their measurements. They found that their result confirmed the discrepancy found 20 years ago, indicating that the Standard Model may indeed need tweaking. “Our new measurement is very exciting because it takes us well beyond Brookhaven’s sensitivity,” said Graziano Venanzoni, professor at the University of Liverpool affiliated with the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Pisa, and co-spokesperson of the experiment at Fermilab. Although this result confirms that the Standard Model contradicts experimental data, the team expects that in the future they will be able to further improve the accuracy of the experiment. Currently, the discrepancy is below five standard deviations, and as a result, some scientists are still skeptical about the discrepancy and attribute it instead to statistical or systematic error of the experiment, not a need to tweak the Standard Model.

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Saturday, August 19, 2023

Department of Energy grant supports inclusive high energy physics research


Shun Saito from MIssouri S&T (left) and Andrew Hearin from Argonne (right) are collaborating on an inclusive research project in high energy physics. (Image by Argonne National Laboratory.)

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and the Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) have been awarded funding for a program that aims to generate insights about the universe while expanding diversity in the high energy physics field. Through the $589,000, three-year grant from DOE’s Funding for Accelerated, Inclusive Research (FAIR) initiative, the research team will create a computer modeling framework to map a set of distant galaxies known as emission line galaxies. The grant also supports the participation of students from historically underrepresented groups. Shun Saito, assistant professor of physics at Missouri S&T, is leading the research project with Andrew Hearin, an Argonne physicist, as the DOE national laboratory partner. The goal is to unravel some of the mystery surrounding dark energy, the force thought to drive the universe’s accelerated expansion.

The project relates to the DOE-funded Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), which is measuring the trajectory of this expansion by mapping emission line galaxies. Emission lines are light signals emanating from galaxies across billions of years. These lines can be used in mapping the galaxies and determining their histories. Saito and team will build a simulation-based framework to predict a clustering pattern of faraway emission line galaxies that can then be used to understand the nature of dark energy.

In the last decade, we have seen a lot of progress in measuring the nearby universe,” Saito said. Now we want to locate more distant galaxies to fully map out the evolution of cosmological expansion.”

The research will take advantage of high performance computing at Argonne’s Laboratory Computing Resource Center.

You really need supercomputing resources to be able to make predictions for galaxies in the large volumes we are simulating,” Hearin said. Our modeling approach has been designed from the ground up to do exactly that.”

The project continues efforts by Saito and Hearin, who are longtime collaborators, to create a more inclusive community of high energy physics researchers. In 2019, they founded the Midwest Cosmology Network to provide a collaborative forum for researchers who belong to relatively small, isolated cosmology groups at colleges and universities.

In addition to positions for one undergraduate, doctorate and postdoctorate researcher each, the program will also enable the collaborative work at Argonne.

The resulting framework and data will be available to other researchers who seek to analyze data from DESI and similar surveys. People working on understanding galaxies can use the catalogs generated by this project,” Saito said.

In total, the DOE Office of Science awarded $37 million in funding to 52 projects representing 44 institutions. Hearin’s and Saito’s project is one of 10 projects affiliated with Argonne to receive this funding. The FAIR initiative aims to build research capacity, infrastructure and expertise at institutions historically underrepresented in the Office of Science portfolio, including minority serving institutions and emerging research institutions.


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Monday, August 7, 2023

Calculations reveal high-resolution view of quarks inside protons


This graphic illustrates a proton moving at nearly the speed of light toward the viewer with its spin aligned along the horizontal direction (large arrow). The two views of concentric circles at the bottom show the spatial distributions of the momentum of up quarks (left) and down quarks (right) within this proton (white is high; violet is low). Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Using supercomputers, a collaboration of nuclear theorists has predicted the spatial distributions of charges, momentum, and other properties of “up” and “down” quarks within protons. This is the first study to use a novel theoretical approach to create a high-resolution map of quarks within a proton. Their calculations also showed that the up quark has a more symmetrical distribution and is scattered across a smaller area than the down quark. These variations suggest that up and down quarks may contribute differently to the fundamental features and structure of the proton, including its internal energy and spin.

The scatterings, in particular, provide scientists access to the proton’s Generalized Parton Distribution (GPD)—parton being the collective designation for quarks and gluons. If you imagine the proton as a bag packed with marbles representing quarks and gluons, the GPD describes how the energy-momentum and other properties of these marbles are distributed within the bag, such as when the bag is shaken, and the marbles move around. It is analogous to a map that displays the possibility of discovering a marble with a specified energy momentum at a specific point within the bag. Knowing the distribution of these quark and gluon properties allows scientists to understand better the proton’s inner workings, which may lead to novel applications.

Obtaining a detailed map requires analyzing several scattering interactions involving several values of the proton’s momentum change. Scientists developed a novel theoretical approach to simulate the multiple momentum changes of the proton efficiently. Shohini Bhattacharya, a research associate in Brookhaven’s nuclear theory group and the RIKEN BNL Research Center (RBRC), said, “Each momentum change value of the proton required a separate simulation, significantly increasing the computational burden to obtain a detailed proton map. The new method can look at the effect of the momentum transfer as all being on the outgoing proton—the final state. This gives a view that is closer to the actual physical process.”

“Most importantly, the new theoretical approach makes it possible to model numerous momentum transfer values within a single simulation.” Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) describes the calculations that describe quarks and their interactions. However, these equations are extremely difficult to solve because they contain so many variables. A technique known as lattice QCD, developed at Brookhaven Lab, aids in overcoming the difficulty. Physicists use this method to “place” quarks on a discretized 4D spacetime lattice—a sort of 3D grid with quarks at the nodes that accounts for how the arrangement of quarks varies over time (the fourth dimension). Supercomputers solve QCD equations by iterating over all of the conceivable interactions of each quark with all of the others, including how the many variables influence those interactions. The novel approach for modeling photon interactions with protons allowed them to use lattice QCD to simulate a substantially higher number of momentum transfers, allowing them to obtain higher-resolution imaging around ten times faster than earlier efforts.

This method allows scientists to capture separate images of each quark type and calculate their GPDs. Along with mapping out the energy-momentum distributions of the up and down quarks, the collaboration also mapped out their charge distributions within protons. They also looked at quarks’ momentum and charge distributions in polarized protons, which have their spins aligned in one direction, to see how the inner building blocks contribute to the proton’s spin. However, how this feature emerges from the proton’s basic building pieces remains a mystery. Scientists discovered that the distribution of the momenta of the down quarks within a polarized proton is notably asymmetric and deformed compared to that of the up quarks. Because the spatial distribution of momentum reveals the angular momentum of quarks within a proton, these studies demonstrate that the differing contributions of up and down quarks to the proton’s spin result from their varied geographical distributions. According to their calculations, up and down quarks can account for less than 70% of the overall spin of a proton. This means that gluons must also play a substantial role. The proton’s spin (angular momentum) distribution among its constituent quarks and gluons reveals information about the proton’s internal structure. This, in turn, aids scientists in their understanding of the forces at work within the atomic nucleus. Experimental findings from Brookhaven Lab’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a DOE Office of Science user facility at Brookhaven Lab, support the idea of a significant gluon contribution to spin. This is one of the central questions that will be explored in great detail at the future EIC.

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Saturday, August 5, 2023

Physicists synthesize single-crystalline iron in the form likely found in Earth's core


A team of physicists and geologists at CEA DAM-DIF and Universit´e Paris-Saclay, working with a colleague from ESRF, BP220, F-38043 Grenoble Cedex and another from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, has succeeded in synthesizing a single-crystalline iron in a form that iron has in the Earth's core.

In their paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the group describes how they used an experimental approach to synthesize pure single-crystalline ε-iron and possible uses for the material In trying to understand Earth's internal composition, scientists have had to rely mostly on seismological data. Such studies have led scientists to believe that the core is solid and that it is surrounded by liquid. But questions have remained. For example, back in the 1980s, studies revealed that seismic waves travel faster through the Earth when traveling pole to pole versed equator to equator, and no one could explain why. Most theories have suggested it is likely because of the way the iron in the core is structured. Most in the field agree that if the type of iron that exists in the core could be made and tested at the surface, such questions could be answered with a reasonable degree of certainty. But doing so has proven to be challenging due to fracturing during synthesis. In this new effort, the research team has found a way around such problems and in so doing have found a way to synthesize a type of iron that can be used for testing the properties of iron in Earth's core. The work by the team involved compressing a sample of α-iron at 7GPa. Doing so caused its temperature to rise to approximately 800 Kelvin. That led to the transformation of its structure into γ-iron crystals. More pressure pushed the γ-iron to form into ε-structure iron—single crystals that are believed to be the same types as those in the iron at Earth's core. The research team conducted experiments that showed the directionally-dependent elasticity of their ε-iron behaving as iron does in the Earth's core, with vibrations traveled faster along one axis of a sphere than along the other. They suggest their approach can be used for generating iron samples for testing theories regarding the makeup of Earth's core.

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