Tuesday, May 30, 2023



A scintillator is a material that emits flashes of light when it interacts with high-energy particles or radiation. It is typically used in radiation detection and measurement applications. Scintillators are made of special crystals or organic materials that have the ability to absorb the energy from incoming particles and convert it into detectable light signals. These light signals, known as scintillation, can be captured and measured using photomultiplier tubes or solid-state detectors. Scintillators are used in various fields, including medical imaging (such as PET scans and gamma cameras), radiation therapy, nuclear power plants, and high-energy physics research. They are crucial for accurately detecting and identifying different types of radiation, ensuring safety, and providing valuable information in scientific and medical contexts.

International Research Conference on High Energy Physics
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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Particle accelerator instrumentation



Accelerator instrumentation refers to all the sensors installed in an accelerator to provide information on its operating status and to tune it. Two of the main applications are beam diagnostics − position and profile monitors in particular − and low-level radiofrequency sensors to tune the field of accelerating cavities powered by RF power supplies. IRFU's SIS and SEDI departments are particularly involved in R&D on this area.

Low-level radiofrequency (LLRF) systems

                                                                                      Fig: 2

 LLRF systems are used to control the RF field in accelerating cavities. These systems control the amplitude and phase of the RF field (fast tuning) and the cavity frequency (slow tuning), compensating for the effect of different types of disturbance such as vibrations, thermal stress, and the charge of the particle beam. The SIS develops the electronics for these systems, which is based mainly on the use of FPGA or DSP boards for fast digital processing of the RF signals coming from the cavity.


SACM develops general simulation tools for describing RF cavity operation with or without a beam, modeling various types of disturbance, considering the transfer functions of the associated high-power or low-level RF electronics, and representing accelerator field control modes.


SACM was involved in developing a prototype for the Soleil accelerator, and is now working with the SIS on making the LLRF systems for the Spiral 2 project (the SIS is in charge of these systems).


Beam position monitors


Beam based alignment and time of flight control are essential operations for particle accelerators. SACM is currently developing two types of beam position monitors (BPMs) based on radiofrequency cavities. The operating principle is as follows: passing through the cavity, the beam excites some electromagnetic fields (resonant modes), which are coupled by four feedthroughs to the outside. Signals detected by the signal processing electronics extract the beam position (displacement), the beam intensity and the time of flight of the beam.


International Research Conference on High Energy Physics
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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Quantum mechanics


Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. It is the foundation of all quantum physics including quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, and quantum information science.

Classical physics, the collection of theories that existed before the advent of quantum mechanics, describes many aspects of nature at an ordinary (macroscopic) scale, but is not sufficient for describing them at small (atomic and subatomic) scales. Most theories in classical physics can be derived from quantum mechanics as an approximation valid at large (macroscopic) scale.[3]

Quantum mechanics differs from classical physics in that energymomentumangular momentum, and other quantities of a bound system are restricted to discrete values (quantization); objects have characteristics of both particles and waves (wave–particle duality); and there are limits to how accurately the value of a physical quantity can be predicted prior to its measurement, given a complete set of initial conditions (the uncertainty principle).

Quantum mechanics arose gradually from theories to explain observations that could not be reconciled with classical physics, such as Max Planck's solution in 1900 to the black-body radiation problem, and the correspondence between energy and frequency in Albert Einstein's 1905 paper, which explained the photoelectric effect. These early attempts to understand microscopic phenomena, now known as the "old quantum theory", led to the full development of quantum mechanics in the mid-1920s by Niels BohrErwin SchrödingerWerner HeisenbergMax BornPaul Dirac and others. The modern theory is formulated in various specially developed mathematical formalisms. In one of them, a mathematical entity called the wave function provides information, in the form of probability amplitudes, about what measurements of a particle's energy, momentum, and other physical properties may yield.

Overview and fundamental concepts

Quantum mechanics allows the calculation of properties and behaviour of physical systems. It is typically applied to microscopic systems: molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles. It has been demonstrated to hold for complex molecules with thousands of atoms,[4] but its application to human beings raises philosophical problems, such as Wigner's friend, and its application to the universe as a whole remains speculative.[5] Predictions of quantum mechanics have been verified experimentally to an extremely high degree of accuracy.[note 1]

A fundamental feature of the theory is that it usually cannot predict with certainty what will happen, but only give probabilities. Mathematically, a probability is found by taking the square of the absolute value of a complex number, known as a probability amplitude. This is known as the Born rule, named after physicist Max Born. For example, a quantum particle like an electron can be described by a wave function, which associates to each point in space a probability amplitude. Applying the Born rule to these amplitudes gives a probability density function for the position that the electron will be found to have when an experiment is performed to measure it. This is the best the theory can do; it cannot say for certain where the electron will be found. The Schrödinger equation relates the collection of probability amplitudes that pertain to one moment of time to the collection of probability amplitudes that pertain to another.

One consequence of the mathematical rules of quantum mechanics is a tradeoff in predictability between different measurable quantities. The most famous form of this uncertainty principle says that no matter how a quantum particle is prepared or how carefully experiments upon it are arranged, it is impossible to have a precise prediction for a measurement of its position and also at the same time for a measurement of its momentum.

Another consequence of the mathematical rules of quantum mechanics is the phenomenon of quantum interference, which is often illustrated with the double-slit experiment. In the basic version of this experiment, a coherent light source, such as a laser beam, illuminates a plate pierced by two parallel slits, and the light passing through the slits is observed on a screen behind the plate.[6]: 102–111 [2]: 1.1–1.8  The wave nature of light causes the light waves passing through the two slits to interfere, producing bright and dark bands on the screen – a result that would not be expected if light consisted of classical particles.[6] However, the light is always found to be absorbed at the screen at discrete points, as individual particles rather than waves; the interference pattern appears via the varying density of these particle hits on the screen. Furthermore, versions of the experiment that include detectors at the slits find that each detected photon passes through one slit (as would a classical particle), and not through both slits (as would a wave).[6]: 109 [7][8] However, such experiments demonstrate that particles do not form the interference pattern if one detects which slit they pass through. Other atomic-scale entities, such as electrons, are found to exhibit the same behavior when fired towards a double slit.[2] This behavior is known as wave–particle duality.

Another counter-intuitive phenomenon predicted by quantum mechanics is quantum tunnelling: a particle that goes up against a potential barrier can cross it, even if its kinetic energy is smaller than the maximum of the potential.[9] In classical mechanics this particle would be trapped. Quantum tunnelling has several important consequences, enabling radioactive decaynuclear fusion in stars, and applications such as scanning tunnelling microscopy and the tunnel diode.[10]

When quantum systems interact, the result can be the creation of quantum entanglement: their properties become so intertwined that a description of the whole solely in terms of the individual parts is no longer possible. Erwin Schrödinger called entanglement "...the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought".[11] Quantum entanglement enables the counter-intuitive properties of quantum pseudo-telepathy, and can be a valuable resource in communication protocols, such as quantum key distribution and superdense coding.[12] Contrary to popular misconception, entanglement does not allow sending signals faster than light, as demonstrated by the no-communication theorem.[12]

Another possibility opened by entanglement is testing for "hidden variables", hypothetical properties more fundamental than the quantities addressed in quantum theory itself, knowledge of which would allow more exact predictions than quantum theory can provide. A collection of results, most significantly Bell's theorem, have demonstrated that broad classes of such hidden-variable theories are in fact incompatible with quantum physics. According to Bell's theorem, if nature actually operates in accord with any theory of local hidden variables, then the results of a Bell test will be constrained in a particular, quantifiable way. Many Bell tests have been performed, using entangled particles, and they have shown results incompatible with the constraints imposed by local hidden variables.

International Research Conference on High Energy Physics
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Monday, May 22, 2023

high energy physics


High-energy physics, also known as particle physics, is a branch of physics that explores the fundamental particles and forces that make up the universe. It aims to understand the structure and behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales and highest energies. At the heart of high-energy physics is the study of elementary particles, which are the building blocks of matter. These particles can be divided into two main categories: fermions and bosons. Fermions are the basic constituents of matter and include quarks (which combine to form protons and neutrons) and leptons (such as electrons and neutrinos). Bosons, on the other hand, are particles that mediate the fundamental forces of nature, including the photon (electromagnetic force carrier), W and Z bosons (weak nuclear force carriers), and gluons (strong nuclear force carriers). High-energy physicists study these particles by accelerating them to extremely high speeds and colliding them together. This is achieved in large particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, located in Switzerland. These accelerators use electric and magnetic fields to accelerate particles to nearly the speed of light and then collide them head-on. By analyzing the particles and their interactions resulting from these collisions, scientists can gain insights into the fundamental laws of nature. The study of high-energy physics addresses several important questions. One key question is how the four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force) unify at high energies. Physicists seek to develop a theory that can explain all these forces as different aspects of a single, unified force, often referred to as a "theory of everything" or a grand unified theory (GUT). Another major goal is to explore the nature of dark matter and dark energy. These are hypothesized components of the universe that cannot be directly detected but are inferred from their gravitational effects. High-energy physics experiments aim to uncover the properties of dark matter and shed light on its role in the structure and evolution of the universe. Additionally, high-energy physics seeks to understand the origins of mass through the study of the Higgs boson. The Higgs boson was discovered at the LHC in 2012 and is associated with the Higgs field, which gives other particles mass. Investigating the properties and interactions of the Higgs boson helps scientists deepen their understanding of the fundamental forces and particles. High-energy physics also plays a crucial role in technological advancements. The development of particle accelerators and detectors for high-energy physics experiments often leads to innovations in various fields, such as medicine, materials science, and electronics. In summary, high-energy physics explores the fundamental particles, forces, and laws of nature by studying the collisions of particles at high energies. It aims to uncover the underlying principles that govern the universe, addressing questions about the nature of matter, the fundamental forces, dark matter, and the origins of mass.

International Research Conference on High Energy Physics
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Monday, May 15, 2023

string theory explain


String theory is a theoretical framework in physics that attempts to describe the fundamental nature of particles and their interactions. It proposes that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not point-like particles but rather tiny, vibrating strings of energy. According to string theory, these strings can vibrate at different frequencies and in different patterns. Each pattern of vibration corresponds to a different particle with unique properties, such as mass and charge. For example, the electron and the photon are different patterns of vibration of the fundamental strings. String theory also requires the existence of extra dimensions beyond the familiar three spatial dimensions (length, width, and height) and one time dimension. These extra dimensions are curled up and compactified at scales much smaller than we can currently detect, which is why we don't perceive them in our everyday experience. One of the main motivations behind string theory is its potential to reconcile general relativity, which describes gravity on a large scale, and quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of particles on a very small scale. The mathematics of string theory incorporates both of these theories and provides a framework for understanding their interplay. Moreover, string theory suggests that the different particles and forces in the universe are interconnected. In other words, all the particles and forces we observe are different manifestations of the vibrations of the fundamental strings. This unified picture aims to explain the fundamental nature of the universe by describing everything in terms of a single underlying framework. However, it's important to note that string theory is still a work in progress and has not yet been definitively confirmed or disproven by experimental evidence. Researchers continue to explore the mathematical and theoretical implications of string theory, as well as possible ways to test its predictions.

International Research Conference on High Energy Physics
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